Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I have hundreds of pictures piling up, and a whole bunch that I want to share with the few of you who faithfully peek in here on our little world, but currently no time to go through the process of loading them onto the blog. So please accept my apologies for my long and boring absence, and enjoy a look at my day today- which is a pretty typical day for me.

Up @ 4:00am to get ready for the day, make & pack lunches, let the dog out, feed the yard rabbit (Bluebell currently has the freedom of the whole yard at her disposal, as a “reward” and escape from the not-so-small but newly weaned babies) let the dog back in & feed him, and head out the door by 4:45am. It’s already 60˚F, the sun is coming up and the traffic is very light. Travel approx 60miles, and at work by 6:00am- where I take a few moments to change from my very comfortable sandals into work boots. Check emails, catch up on orders and issue pricing, reconcile the “bucket of money”, make sure I’m aware of what the crew is doing today and impart any information that I have that they need. Down into the “basement” (lowest level of the expansive parking garage) to inventory & pack the materials that we are sending off-site, as this 2-year long project is nearing completion. Break @ 9:30 w/ the guys, lunch @ noon and then spread throughout the day: fire alarm inspection, installation of light poles in the plaza and up-lights in the tree planters, someone empty the stinking trash can in the office, type up some [electrical] panel schedules, get a couple of guys working on removing the mountain of trash in “the basement”, attend a subcontractors meeting on site, confer with the owners on location for equipment in the retail spaces, order some breaker lock-offs, look forward to what needs to be accomplished tomorrow, talk with the scheduling department about scheduling a couple of the guys to move on to other jobs come Monday, run up to the 6th floor to watch the guys jack up a transformer (all 550lbs of it) to install noise isolation pads in an attempt to quiet the beasts…getting off at 2:30pm and it's now 90˚F. Change back into sandals and head out into the heat (thankful for the air conditioning in my truck!).
Stop at the butchers for bones for the dog (who has been behaving like a saint lately…such a strange turn of events, we’re wondering what got into the little monster to be such a nice normal animal!), Cash & Carry for syrup to flavor the hubby’s iced tea, the feed store because somehow (in spite of my careful planning) we’ve managed to run out of all of the animal feed, all at the same time. (Generally I try to stagger the need so I don’t end up buying everyone’s food at once…it’s ridiculously expensive!)
Done at the feed store, and it’s just a hop, skip & jump across the river to home. Once home I hope that I’ll find that the quail eggs have begun to hatch, today is the day that they should start; make dinner; plant the next in the successive plantings in the garden (lettuce, carrots, spinach) and maybe have time to begin the construction of Strawberry’s cage (newest rabbit). Eat dinner & talk w/ the hubby, allow the cats to use us as their cushions (they live for our attention!), turn the incubating quail eggs, collect today’s quail eggs, make tomorrow’s lunch & get the dishes into the dishwasher (if I’m really on top of it) hop in the shower and head to bed- hopefully before 10:00pm.

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