Sunday, September 28, 2008


A month which is usually filled to overflowing with wonderful things- crispness returning to the air, perfect hiking weather, the last of the summer sun, putting the garden to bed for the winter, finishing up the last of the yard projects, cutting firewood & curling up in front of the wood stove's blazing cozieness... but not this year. September this year has been a month of foggy brains, kleenex, tylenol, orange juice & blankets on couches. I have been sick with Something for nearly a month now. Finally gave up and went to the doctor's last week only to find out that it's just a sinus & ear infection- all that for THIS?! The guys at work are hoping for a case of the bird flu, and I'm sure that it's much more related to the Plague than a simple sinus infection. At any rate, I have learned from my dear hubby these long weeks how to properly put a dinner menu together as I've watched him alternate between the "pancake & sausage", "saltines & pnut butter" and the "microwave popcorn & pudding cups" menu...poor guy is desperately ready for a wife to make dinner again!
The Doc gave me a prescription to some version of something which is reportedly capable of killing the nastiest bug in no time (though lots of time has passed & the bug still hangs on) so hopefully October can be the month of hiking, leaf raking, gardening & general battening-down-the-hatches before winter comes.

On another note, many of my friends have asked for a long time for me to post photos of our wedding. I finally found them this weekend, and will try to get some up on here soon (just in time for our second anniversary, too!).

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