PAISLEY & babies of '08
Paisley is just a mutt of a little duck...someone rescued her & her sister from a culvert as small ducklings & I ended up with them. Ping (her beloved sister) died for no apparent reason last spring, and Paisley flew away... Several weeks later she returned with 8 little fluff balls...was she EVER a proud mama! First time any of my ducks have provided ducklings! That was fun.
This is RAT.
She is gentle, smart & loves attention (and food). She has dispelled all inhibitions that I have formerly had against [pet] rats. They're pretty cool!
Tucker was my sidekick and main pal for 3 years. She was an East Indian Runner duck, and characteristic of that breed & the chocolate variety, she turned a white-with-brown-splashes as she grew older. Tucker died at the teeth of oppossum last spring. It was a very sad day at our house, but she had lived a long and happy life. I'll post more on her later.
Tucker was my sidekick and main pal for 3 years. She was an East Indian Runner duck, and characteristic of that breed & the chocolate variety, she turned a white-with-brown-splashes as she grew older. Tucker died at the teeth of oppossum last spring. It was a very sad day at our house, but she had lived a long and happy life. I'll post more on her later.
Clyde is a Buff Orpington duck, and so named because as a duckling he was very small, and was thought to be a runner duck like Tucker. And then he began eating, and eating, and eating, and eating...which resulted in ALOT of growing. I think we had another name for him when he was a duckling, but as he grew & grew my husband began questioning if he was really a duck or not, and started calling him "The Clydesdale Duck". Which is where he got his name. I have actually heard people walking by exclaim over the fine goose we have, he is so huge! Clyde adores Paisley, and they are inseperable. Those rare occassions when Paisley gets a wild feather & flys away for a few days, Clyde goes into deep mourning. And that's about the extent of Clyde's brains... But he makes us laugh, and he makes Paisley happy, so he sticks around.
A Buff Orpington hen who believes that it is NOT her duty in life to supply us with eggs. She's not very bright, even for a chicken, but I keep hoping that this spring she'll wake up to her true calling & begin providing us with eggs... And she is gorgeous, and pretty nice, even for a chicken, and lets people pet her...which I guess is her redemption.
An Americana or "Easter Egg Chicken". She lays green eggs, and is (for a chicken) brilliant. Actually, I should say she did lay green eggs, but then she apparently realized that we're thieves and she hasn't layed eggs since. I hope it was a coincidence and she begins again when the weather is nicer!
And that's all for now...I have to figure out what I did with the rest of the pictures!